Acerca de

Ukraine emergency

What we have done
In Ukraine, more than 5 million people had to abandon their homesin a hurry because of thebombing. Many of them were unable to carry their supplies of medicines and basic necessities .
As the Realmonte Association, we have taken steps to collect essential medicines (for diabetes and more) and long-life food for people in transit along the Polish border and for hospitals and refugee camps in Ukraine.

Where in Ukraine?
The collected material is taken and brought over the border or in the neighboring areas, to support refugee camps set up in the area. In collaboration with the Caritas of Lublin, we take part in the campaign 'House of Hope', to support displaced people due to the bombing. Packages with donations are collected at the Caritas headquarters, sorted by volunteers and organized by type (food, medicines, antibiotics, baby clothes, etc.) before sending them to the border.
Travel witnesses
The first shipment

With schools in Milan
Along with many young people, we worked tirelessly to coordinate the reception of donations around Milan, we bought what was missing with the money of those who supported us from outside, we packed the necessary and went to collect the other deliveries.
Many thanks goes to the students of the Liceo Virgilio and the Liceo Parini of Milan who not only mobilized for the cause, but contributed by helping us to pack everything.
What are we doing
We have activated job orientation sessions, listening desks and language training courses to facilitate integration into the new country for Ukrainian citizens, in most cases women and children.
In Milan, in the spaces managed by the Association IBVA, we helped furnish an apartment made available for a mother and daughter. With the #giveanhour project, activated in the following weeks, we want to promote the meeting of Italian volunteers and Ukrainian citizens, organizing language enhancement courses and recreational activities for the little ones.
In Poland, we cooperate with School for Children to the maintenance and renovation of the spaces managed by the Sisters of Santa Dorotea used as play-recreational and educational spaces for minors in transit.
Orientation to work
CV drafting and orientation interviews to take the first steps in the Italian labor market
Language training
Italian language enhancement meetings to communicate immediately in a new country
Listening desk
Meeting sessions to understand the needs of those arriving and orient services in the area
Spaces for minors in Poland
In collaboration with School For Children,we support the structures managed by the sisters Dorotee

To contribute
We have activated a Collection point at our headquarters in Milan and enabled the opportunity to contribute with una suspended delivery in the pharmacy. Alternatively, do a free donation with which we will buy the necessary.
CONTACT US for more information +39 351 8326397